Our company creates a new type of biopesticide in the form of capsules. They are made from special substances that keep the parasites away from the plants while attracting insects useful for their pollination.

We offer two products, one is a package of 100 pcs. capsules and the other is seedlings with 5 pcs. capsules in a recycled plastic bottle. The capsules are made up of pure natural products - water, gelatin, herbs/essential oils in a 2: 1: 2 ratio. The product attracts bees and chases pests from plants due to the strong odor of herbs/essential oils. Various flavors remove different pests. After studies have been done to find out which pests the consumer is most in need of, and therefore we sell packages of different types of capsules to expel these different pests. Our second seedling product offers seed protection from the beginning and prevents damage.
Repellent plants are usually non-exigent and easy to grow. The most common similarity between them is the preference for sun exposure and light soils. Much of them have an invaluable quality - to attract useful pollinator insects. The best aides in the garden are:
Basil - a well-known plant with a wide variety of culinary applications. Ability to repel insects has all varieties, especially those with lemon and cinnamon flavors. Sowing close to the tomatoes in the vegetable garden successfully protects them from pests and assists their proper growth.
Monarda - the plant is known as wild bergamot. The flower is warm and has beautiful, large and exotic colors. It successfully repels mosquitoes and attracts bees.
Nepeta - known as cat mint and cat grass. Its repellent effect is due to its high content of nepetalactone, which is almost ten times stronger than the main ingredients of synthetic insecticides. Its strong aroma chases long-range mosquitoes, cockroaches, bugs, ticks, cockroaches, fleas, mice and rats, and attracts bees.
Lavender - the aroma of lavender is chasing mosquitoes. It is the most effective way to fight the moth. Attracts bees and butterflies in the garden.
Rosemary - repels pests (mosquitoes, flies, and wasps), but only during the flowering period. It is a warm-hearted plant and requires additional protection from low temperatures in winter.
Tagetes - highly effective against almost all pests. It contains pyrethrins and tertinil, the action of which combines with that of its specific aroma. Especially effective when planting between crops in the vegetable garden. It is not recommended to put a bunch of tagetes on your lunch table because the bright yellow and orange colors are a magnet for bees and wasps.
Mint - repulsive action has the stems, leaves, and flowers of all varieties - wild and cultivated. The most effective is the field mint, which has the highest concentration of menthol oil. Repels wasps, cockroaches, ants, moths, aphids, fleas and field mice. For mosquito protection, scrub your skin with a few leaves.
Garlic - the aromatic substances that contain almost all insects and pests. Protects some vegetable crops (cabbage, carrots, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes) and fruit trees from pests. It is not recommended to sow it near salvia, parsley, beans and peas.
Lemon - its pleasant scent has a strong repellent effect on the stinging insects.
Marigold - contains a pyrethrum that effectively repels mosquitoes, aphids, tomato pests, cabbage butterflies, spalacids and mole crickets. It is very effective in combating whiteflies and nematodes on strawberries and vegetable crops.
Ageratum - the beautiful blue-violet puff, which decorates the gardens from early spring to late autumn frosts, drives away mosquitoes. In its natural habitats, the plant is perennial, but in our climatе conditions, it is annual. Its repellent effect is due to the substance coumarin. The plant is highly light-weight, but unlike other repellent plants, its leaves do not make scratches on the skin because of the toxins it contains.
Chrysanthemum - the queen of the autumn garden is not only a beauty, but also the most powerful bio repellent. It combines pyrethrum and repels almost all flying insects: aphids, mites, ticks, grasshoppers. In organic farming, for the protection of fruit and vegetable crops from pests, a water extract of its colors is used.